Untitled Header Image Sligo Creek Co-op Sligo Creek Co-op Sligo Creek Co-op Sligo Creek Co-op Sligo Creek Co-op

2024-25 Announcement

We continue to limit new member registration for the 2024-25 school year due to overwhelming interest,
especially among families with young children.
If you are interested in classes for children ages 11 and older, please see our How Do I Join? page.

SCC's Plans for the 2024-2025 School Year

Sligo Creek Cooperative will contine to offer fully in-person learning for the 2024-2025 school year.

Fall Classes (tentatively) begin Tuesday, September 10, 2024

We are a secular and inclusive family-led coop designed to create engaging opportunities for learning and a warm community of fellow homeschoolers. Our goal is provide an enviroment where all are welcome and accepted. 

We have rich and varied class options for children aged 5-18.  Class descriptions for the 2024-25 year are currently being assembled and will be available soon.

At Sligo Creek Cooperative we build community by creating plenty of opportunities for families to get to know each other and participate in a variety of ways. You can learn more about us by reading our FAQs. Also, you can see our Member Agreement which lays out exactly what's involved in SCC Membership. Any additional questions can be e-mailed to our Membership Committee.

If, after looking through this website, you're interested in learning more about becoming a member of SCC, please visit our How Do I Join? page. Thanks for stopping by!