Board and Committee Roles and Responsibilities

SCC depends on its members to run all aspects of the co-op. All members are encouraged and expected to participate in one of the committees or on the board.

The following is a list of board and committee roles, with their incumbents and responsibilities.
Contact information is provided for each position or committee.

Who do I contact if…

Board of Directors [email protected]

The board meets on a monthly basis during the year to plan and implement co-op policy and activities. They also coordinate the activities of the various committees, since most of the committee chairs are members of the board. The board seeks to be informed and guided by the entire membership so that it may carry out its responsibilities.

Co-Presidents: Jo Ann Kester and Leigh Lipson  
The Co-Presidents lead the board and facilitate meetings. They are responsible for upholding the bylaws.
[email protected]

Treasurer: Quinn Finkel
The Treasurer oversees all matters related to the organization’s finances, property, and budget. They are the point of contact for matters relating to invoices, reimbursements, and payments. The Treasurer serves on the Scholarship Panel.
[email protected]

Secretary: Deborah Helzer
The Secretary is responsible for official communications with board members and recording meetings. They keep track of the various membership forms and background checks.
[email protected]

Membership Chair: Jess Quaranto
The Membership Chair is the first point of contact for prospective members. They lead the Membership Committee and represent its concerns and present its findings at board meetings.
[email protected]

Classes Chair:
The Classes Chair is responsible for coordinating the process of requesting class proposals, adding classes to the schedule, and overseeing the activities of the Classes Committee.
[email protected]

Facilities Chair: We are currently seeking a Facilities Chairperson.
The Facilities Chair is the liaison with the group that we rent our space from. They keep track of and order materials needed by the co-op and for certain recurring classes. They plan the Jobs list and publish it to the membership. They also oversee the activities of the Facilities Committee.
[email protected]

Events Chair:
The Events Chair coordinates all non-class activities. They work with the board to approve and schedule activities proposed by the membership, and keep track of and update the events calendar. They communicate with both the membership and the board regarding these activities, and oversee the Events and Community Service Committees.
[email protected]

Teen Council
The Teen Council is a group of teen students that meet biweekly to discuss topics pertaining to their classes and activities. A member of the Teen Council is invited to each meeting of the Board to communicate the needs and concerns of the group, and to pass along Board information and questions back to their Council.
[email protected]


The committees handle different aspects of the management of the co-op. Some committees are larger, some are smaller. Most committees have a busy period during part of the year, and then are more relaxed the rest of the time. Having several members in each committee spreads the workload and helps everyone feel connected to the life of the co-op. The chair of each committee reports to the board so that they can make decisions based on the needs and interests of the whole membership.

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee recruits, welcomes, and orients new families. They identify member needs and communicate them to the board, as well as recommending the development of services to meet those needs.
[email protected]

  • Jess Quaranto, Chair

Classes Committee
The Classes Committee reaches out to all families, based on age groups of students, to determine which classes are desired by the membership. They also determine the teaching abilities and desires of the parents, finding teachers for each of these classes. They create a schedule for each semester that is balanced in terms of subject matter, intended age group, teacher availability, and classroom space.
[email protected]

The Registrar is a member of the Classes Committee, and is especially tasked with assisting members to add or cancel class enrollments, and to help members communicate with teachers when enrollment questions arise.
[email protected]

  • Amanda Kantner, Chair & Registrar
  • Alice Gambino
  • Leah Mark-Hines
  • Ellie Tiemann
  • Rebecca Tobin

Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee works to maintain the areas of the building that we rent, as well as the resources and materials that are owned by the co-op. They make sure that the Jobs list and instructions are updated based on each year’s needs.
[email protected]

Jobs Manager
The Jobs Manager is part of the Facilities Committee. They are responsible for making sure all job slots are filled, and that all members fulfill their job requirements. They are the point of contact if a member needs a substitute for their job assignment and can’t find one.
[email protected]

  • TBA, Chair
  • Sonja Kueppers, Jobs Manager

Events Committee
The Events Committee helps to plan and organize all non-class activities of the co-op. This includes events that are part of the school year, such as the Showcases and Graduation, as well as after-school activities such as playdates, field trips, special events, and workshops.
[email protected]

  • Jess Quaranto, Chair
  • Heather Cornelius

Community Service Committee
As a 501(c)3 organization, one of the purposes for which our group was founded is to expose homeschoolers to opportunities to participate in civics, activism, causes and community service programs or create their own. The Community Service Committee facilitates these activities and solicits ideas from the membership for activities that will further these goals.
[email protected]

  • Amy Wang, Chair
  • Andrea Hewchuck

Technology Committee
The Technology Committee maintains and updates the SCC website. Current and important information is updated on a regular basis on the main page, as well as adding informational resources for the members. In addition, this group maintains the Google Workspace, which allows teachers and students to use Google Classroom, as well as the Google Groups for the various board members and committees. Also, the WhatsApp groups used for rapid communication are maintained by this committee. If a member is having problems logging on to or using their accounts, they should contact the Technology Committee.
[email protected]

  • Erika Sparks, Chair

Scholarship Panel
The Scholarship Panel is comprised of the Treasurer and Membership Chair. They receive and evaluate scholarship applications in a confidential manner, and communicate decisions to the applicant.
[email protected]

  • Quinn FInkel, Treasurer
  • Jess Quaranto, Membership Chair