Member Agreement Form

indicates a required answer

Welcome! We’re so happy that you’ve chosen to join Sligo Creek Cooperative.
We’d like you to be informed of your rights and responsibilities as a Member family.

Please read the following information and share it with your family members.

Member Rights

Each member of Sligo Creek Cooperative (SCC) has the right to an environment in which they are treated with kindness, respect, and equity. 

Members are full participants in our community of families, and are entitled to take part in all SCC activities which are not age-restricted. 

Members have the right to seek redress if they're treated in a manner that violates the terms of this agreement. 

Members have the right to request assistance from the Board if a situation or conflict arises that cannot be resolved by the parties involved.


Member Responsibilities

We are a cooperative in name and by nature. The day-to-day running of SCC requires member involvement. The basic responsibilities of each family are:


Current SCC policy requires two adults in each adult-led class.  For this reason, at least one adult in each family is expected to serve as a Teacher and/or a Room Monitor for at least two classes each semester.

  • Teacher is responsible for preparing the materials and content for the class and presenting instruction or coordinating class activities.
  • Room Monitor serves as a second adult in the room. The Room Monitor may be asked to assist the teacher in distributing materials or managing the students.
  • Some classes have two lead Teachers, or a lead Teacher and Co-teacher, who jointly prepare material and/or teach. In this case, a Room Monitor is not needed.
  • For a class that meets both Tuesday and Thursday, each day counts as one class for the purposes of this requirement.
  • Families in their first year of participation are only expected to be Room Monitors, not Teachers (though you are welcome to teach if you so desire).

Parental Supervision
While at SCC, parents are responsible for their child(ren), and their child(ren)’s behavior, at all times. SCC is not responsible for unsupervised children.

  • Although we expect parents to be on-site with their child(ren), you may temporarily leave your child in the care of another parent in the event you need to leave co-op for a period of time.
  • Children who are old enough may be left temporarily without needing to be in the care of a specific adult. Use your judgement to determine if your child is mature enough for this.
  • Additionally, all families should complete a Medical Release Form for each of their children, which will be kept in the Door Monitor Binder in the event a child needs to receive emergency medical care and their parent is not on-site.

Each family must sign up for a minimum number of job slots during the semester. This minimum will be set by the Jobs Coordinator before the start of each semester. Daily jobs are separate from your committee responsibility and will include things like setting up for the day, monitoring the front door, and clean up.

Each family must participate in one of the SCC committees, or serve on the board. See the SCC website for a description of the duties of each committee.

Meeting Attendance
Each family should attend monthly membership meetings, typically held on the second Tuesday of each month of co-op.  If unable to attend in person, families are asked to attend via Google Meet or review the meeting minutes once they become available.

WhatsApp Communication Tool
SCC families are responsible for keeping up to date on SCC announcements and participate in the running of the co-op. The SCC board will communicate key updates via WhatsApp and member families should review all messages received. (There will be optional subgroups that families can join if they choose.)

Class Planning
As SCC plans classes for each semester, families are asked to suggest classes they’d like to see offered, or they'd like to teach themselves. 

Special Exception Families
In limited circumstances, a teenager or caretaker may fulfill some of the responsibilities for the family in lieu of a parent. Please contact [email protected] if you need to be considered for an exception.



Code of Conduct Policies

The following policies apply to both member adults and children. Please initial below each policy section to indicate that you have read and understood it.

1. *

Non-Discrimination Policy

SCC does not allow discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members.

Initial Here

2. *

Sexual Misconduct Policy

SCC does not tolerate sexual abuse or misconduct. We provide procedures for members or any other victims of sexual abuse or misconduct to report such acts. No member, regardless of his or her title or position has the authority to commit or allow sexual abuse or misconduct. Those reasonably suspected or believed to have committed sexual abuse or misconduct will be appropriately disciplined, up to and including termination of their membership, as well as possible criminal prosecution.

For the protection of all students, and as part of your registration with SCC, all adults in your family who participate in the co-op will be asked to complete a confidential criminal background and sex offender registry check. By initaling below and by signing this Agreement, you consent to this background check.

Initial Here

3. *

Anti-Bullying Policy

SCC believes that all members have a right to a safe and healthy environment. Our community has an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance. We do not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any member. No member shall intimidate, harass, or bully another through words or actions. Such behavior includes: direct physical contact, such as hitting or shoving; verbal assaults, such as teasing or name-calling; and social isolation or manipulation.

Initial Here

4. *

Illness Policy

The following three items constitute SCC's policy regarding COVID-19 and other communicable infections. 


Any SCC Member is welcome to wear a mask when they feel it is appropriate, outdoors or indoors. SCC follows CDC Guidelines; when masks are not being recommended by the CDC all indoor and outdoor space is mask-optional. Mask requirements would change with CDC guidance. Community members are welcome to make a request to the class teacher (or board president(s)) for a class to be masked to take into consideration a family’s health circumstances (e.g. immunocompromised member of the household). We encourage these requests to be made before the start of the semester.

COVID-19 Vaccination

Each family agrees to remain up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations, according to CDC Guidance.

Illness/Sickness Attendance

  • If you have symptoms of any communicable disease (e.g. runny nose, sore throat, fever, vomiting) we strongly recommend testing for COVID-19 (rapid tests are available at SCC), taking extra precautions to wash hands frequently, wearing masks while at co-op (SCC will provide masks if needed), and avoiding close contact with others.
  • Caregivers should use their best judgment about whether their child is capable of taking such precautions. If in doubt, keep them at home. 
  • If you have had a fever, please do not come to co-op until you have been fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications.
  • If you have been exposed to COVID-19, have tested positive for COVID-19, or if you have symptoms of COVID-19, SCC members agree to follow current CDC Guidance about staying home and/or increasing masking beyond what the co-op normally agrees to. 
  • If someone else in your household has symptoms of any communicable disease, but you are not sick yourself, we strongly recommend that you test yourself for COVID-19, take extra precautions to wash your hands frequently, wear a mask, and avoid close contact with others. Remember that many illnesses are contagious before you develop symptoms yourself.
  • If you are feeling uncertain, we recommend talking to another member of the co-op to explain your situation and think through your options.

Initial Here

5. *

General Conduct Policy

All members must work together to keep SCC safe and orderly. This includes:

  • Moving through the building and on the grounds safely.

  • Treating the premises with respect. Members are responsible for any damage caused by themselves or their children.

  • Following all current safety and health protocols.

  • Keeping our spaces clean and tidy.

  • Maintaining a reasonable noise level.

  • Following the instructions of members who are carrying out SCC business.

Initial Here

6. *

Drug-Free Policy

Smoking (including vape or e-pens), alcohol, and illegal drugs are not permitted on the premises.

Initial Here

7. *

Classroom Conduct Policy

Students are expected to be in their assigned classrooms during their classes. A student may request permission to leave the classroom from their teacher, for either a short break after which they will return to the classroom, or to go to their parent or proxy parent.

If a student is disruptive during class, a teacher may ask that student to leave the classroom and return to their parent or proxy parent. If the disruptive behavior is chronic, the teacher should confer with the parent and student to resolve the situation. If needed, members of the board can serve as mediators for this discussion. In the event of continued and unresolved disruptive behavior, the parent may be requested to withdraw the student from the class.

Initial Here

8. *

Food Policy

Peanuts are not permitted at SCC for the safety of members with life-threatening allergies. Depending on the allergies of current members, you may be informed of other prohibited foods. For the most recent list of prohibited foods, see the FAQ. Food is not permitted in the classrooms, but drinks are.

The facility permits us to use some of their kitchen facilities for food storage, preparation, and class activities. Members must follow the guidelines set for us by the facility when using the kitchen.

Members must clean up after themselves and, if necessary, their children. All food and food items must be disposed of or put away by the end of the co-op day.

Initial Here

9. *

Facilities Policy

We have permission to use the Parish Hall, kitchen, classrooms, storage rooms, bathrooms, and the grounds. Adults and students should follow posted signs and not enter areas that are labeled as off-limits. Please do not enter the other areas or the offices.

The building has an elevator that provides accessibility for those with impaired mobility or those with heavy materials. We ask that others refrain from using the elevator.

If you drive to the co-op, please use the free parking opposite the building and in the surrounding neighborhood and follow posted signs. Limited parking for those with impaired mobility is available in the semi-circular driveway in front of the building. Please reserve these spots for our members who need them.

Initial Here

10. *

Financial Policy

Members are expected to pay membership fees for the semester before the semester begins. Class fees are due three weeks after the start of classes. Fees are payable by PayPal or check. A $35.00 fee will be assessed for any check returned by the bank for insufficient funds.

Membership and/or Class Fees are refundable through the third week of classes if your child withdraws from a class or your family withdraws from SCC.

Members who have an outstanding balance from previous semesters will not be permitted to register for classes until their balance is paid. Please contact [email protected] if your financial situation is currently difficult. We have payment options available, as well as partial or complete scholarships.

Initial Here

11. *

Special Needs Policy

SCC does not have the professional resources to serve students with significant emotional, social, psychological, or physical needs. However, we will work with parents to make accommodations when possible, including allowing a parent to attend class with a child.

Initial Here

12. *

Visitor Policy

All persons on our site, or attending SCC functions, shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner in keeping with these policies. Please email [email protected] if you would like to invite a family to come visit SCC; we will be happy to welcome them!

Initial Here



Agreement and Signatures

The Board of Directors reserves the right to make final decisions in all matters. These policies are subject to revision by the Board of Directors.

Members are expected to read and must abide by this Membership Agreement. By your signature(s) below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Sligo Creek Cooperative Membership Agreement, you have reviewed it with your children listed below, and that you and your family agree to abide by the policies enumerated in this Agreement.

Only persons who have signed below (adults) or are listed below (minors) are entitled to the benefits of Membership in Sligo Creek Cooperative.

Electronic Signature Acknowledgement:
By entering your name in the signature field below, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual/handwritten signature on this Agreement. You will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of your electronic signature or claim that your electronic signature is not legally binding. You also agree that no certification authority or other third party verification is necessary to validate your electronic signature, and that the lack of such certification or third party verification will not in any way affect the enforceability of your electronic signature.

13. *

Primary Adult Signature (type full name)


Secondary Adult Signature (type full name)


Child 1 (type full name)


Child 1 Birthdate (MM-DD-YYYY)


Child 2 (type full name)


Child 2 Birthdate (MM-DD-YYYY)


Child 3 (type full name)


Child 3 Birthdate (MM-DD-YYYY)


Child 4 (type full name)


Child 4 Birthdate (MM-DD-YYYY)


Child 5 (type full name)


Child 5 Birthdate (MM-DD-YYYY)